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Price/Buy ( JUSE-StatWorks/V5E )

Regular prices of JUSE-StatWorks/V5E for Windows are as follows.They are the prices and which don't include the tax and handling fees. Handling fee is 10,000 JPY.

After you buy JUSE-StatWorks/V5E, you can download it (including its manual) on the internet. For example, if you buy 5 set, you will get 5 USER ID and you can install and use JUSE-StatWokrs/V5E on 5 PCs.

I'm afraid the upgrade from V4.0 to V5 ended. Please purchase at the base price.

There is a also academic version for students and faculty.
The price of the academic version is half of the reqular product. When purchasing an academic version, identification cards etc are required. Please contact us for details.

Product Base price (Before-tax price)
New purchase JUSE-StatWorks/V5E JPY 168,000
[Volume discount] JUSE-StatWorks/V5E (5set) JPY 800,000
[Volume discount] JUSE-StatWorks/V5E (10set) JPY 1,430,000
[Volume discount] JUSE-StatWorks/V5E (20set) JPY 2,690,000
[Volume discount] JUSE-StatWorks/V5E (30set) JPY 3,780,000
If you purchase the product(s) in Japan, the consumption tax will be added on the price(s) listed above.
The payment for the product(s) should be made only in JPY.
For additional information about the prices for the sets not listed above, please contact us and your local i-JUSE dealer.

Purchase flow


Please make a request for formal quotation of StatWorks to the JUSE-StatWorks sales and Marketing Team by Web form or e-mail.

If you do not need to get formal quotation, use reference quotation below.


We make a judgment about export.


If the export judgment is OK, we send formal quotation to you.


Please order StatWorks to the JUSE-StatWorks sales and Marketing Team by Web form or e-mail.

If you have gotten formal quotation, you need to specify the quotation number when ordering.


We send invoice to you.


Please make bank payment.


After confirming the payment, we send "URL for download of JUSE-StatWorks/V5 English version" and "USER ID" to you by e-mail within a few days.


You can download StatWorks with USER ID.

Quotation or order form

You can make a request for formal quotation of JUSE-StatWorks/V5E or its order from this form.

IF you want to make a formal quote or order JUSE-StatWorks/V5E, please send E-mail to our help desk.


If you have any questions about price or you are an agency, quotation or order, please contact below.

JUSE-StatWorks sales and Marketing Team

Agency abroad